The Tibetan Cookie Jar

For the past 50-odd years, the world has regarded Tibetan monks as a sort of "species on the verge of extinction" by Communist China, martyrs of the cause of freedom. The Dalai Lama, being the high priest of peace and harmony around the world. Richard Gere made Tibet's cause fashionable among celebrities, becoming its unofficial spokesman.

Given all that spirituality, it's embarrassing, to say the least, that, in India, the third in rank in the Tibetan monk hierarchy had $1.35 million in cash at his monastery. When queried about it, the answers haven't been that forthcoming. Allegedly, these were "donations", he knew nothing about them, and his staff was unaware that there was anything illegal in the matter.

Take your pick of disingenuous statements, surprising in those who do so much breast beating over morality. I suppose that, being of another culture, they have never heard of "render unto Caesar"...


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