The People We Love to Hate

Don't you hate people who use their influence, money and power to impose their will on others?  Who insist that others play by rules made up by them, but won't abide by them themselves?  Then, you know why people all around the world hate Americans.  As if someone had died and had named them Pope, the U.S. behaves like it has been "called upon" to lead the rest of the world in everything, including deciding who gets to do what and how, or else Uncle Sam will impose "sanctions" on his disobedient nephews.

Why can't the rest of the world do the same, whenever the U.S. does something that we find objectionable?  This American attitude is akin to Hitler's theory of supremacy based on race, inasmuch as it posits that Americans have a sort of God-given right to tell everybody else what to do and punish them, if they do otherwise.  This is megalomania at its peak, a new version of the "master race" concept.  A hateful idea.


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