"The News About [His] Death..."
Hugo Chávez is absolutely right in describing his "death watch" as morbid and inhumane. Ever since he was diagnosed with cancer, and all through his treatment, there has been a sick and sickening reporting on his health, the most recent of which had him hospitalized at death's door. This is a perfect example of the irresponsible journalism that, under the guise of freedom of speech, publishes falsehoods, spreads rumors and does everything it can to bring him down. One doesn't hear a word of condemnation from the Inter American Press Society, always so eager to lash out at Chávez or Fidel for interfering with the press. Which goes to show that these supposed watchdogs of democracy and human rights are not really interested in offering a truthful and balanced presentation of the facts, but are instead watching out for the interests of the landed gentry and the ruling class, and, of course, those of their ultimate masters, the Americans.
Much to their frustration, Chávez, like Fidel, keeps beating the odds.
Much to their frustration, Chávez, like Fidel, keeps beating the odds.
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