Insanity Begins at Home Base

An American who has served in the British and U.S. armies has probably put his finger on the reasons why American soldiers seem so distraught and end up committing so many savage acts overseas. The man has revealed the great difficulties a recruit has to opt out of his enlistment, when he realizes that the military life is unsuitable for him. Contrary to the British and Canadian armed forces, the American ones make it almost impossible to be discharged before the term for which you sign up expires.

He also has many negative things to say about the U.S. basic training, lacking in some fundamental skills, while heavy on degrading and insulting behavior. All this could explain some of the bizarre behavior that we have seen these last ten years in Afghanistan, Guantánamo and Iraq, by soldiers who have been mistreated themselves, while having been kept  in the Army against their better judgment.


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