Tango and Therapy
Argentina is, in many ways, an amazing country. Its size, history and culture make it truly remarkable. Its music and literature are part of the world's greatest cultural achievements. Now, we become aware of another interesting feature of Argentinian life: the importance of psychoanalysis in the lives of everyday people. Argentina has the highest ratio of psychotherapists to the general population in the world. Not only that, but people there avail themselves of these mental health services at an unprecedented rate, without the stigma usually associated with it. Therapy is largely affordable for Argentinians from all walks of life, be it through health plans or even free of charge as part of a barter arrangement between therapist and patient. In any case, Argentinians have made analysis a part of taking care of their health and well-being on a regular basis.
Something to think about for us in the rest of the world.
Something to think about for us in the rest of the world.
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