Our Turn
The Palestinian triumph at the United Nations is remarkable in and of itself, and sends a signal of hope to other oppressed people around the world. For the first time, the U.S. and Israel's imperialistic wishes have been thwarted. The U.N. is no longer totally subservient to the U.S. Voting to accept Palestine as a non-member observer state was so decisive that, even those countries which have traditionally gone along with the Americans either voted against them or abstained. Significantly, even if they had voted with the U.S., they would have still lost by a substantial majority. Those of us who favor Puerto Rico's independence see this as a hopeful development towards a U.N. vote in the near future demanding that the U.S. grant us our independence, as a matter of international law and "a decent respect for the opinion of mankind", as Jefferson so eloquently put it when he wrote the U.S. Declaration of Independence.