"Bueno" in Buenos Aires
Long overdue, Argentina continues to clean house in the matter of the official crimes committed during the 1976-1983 military regime. Now, it's the turn of pilots who engaged in the "death flights", from which detainees were dropped alive but drugged into the river or the sea. Thousands were disposed of that way, and 68 people are standing trial for it. Some of them have been known to brag about what they did, completely unrepentant, because they were getting rid of "leftist terrorists."
This is what happens when people of a different ideology are demonized, that is to say, stripped of their humanity, thus rendered unworthy of any humane treatment and subject to the most egregious violations of their dignity and human rights by "monsters" who feel justified in doing anything to stop the "enemy."
This is what happens when people of a different ideology are demonized, that is to say, stripped of their humanity, thus rendered unworthy of any humane treatment and subject to the most egregious violations of their dignity and human rights by "monsters" who feel justified in doing anything to stop the "enemy."
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