Insanity in Texas

It's so outrageous, that one can hardly believe it. The Texas Attorney General is advertising his state as a haven for gun owners from New York who want to run away from their state's recent tougher gun laws. This is the same guy who has said that his job is to sue the U.S. government every time he disagrees with a national policy. Obviously, being an elected official, he represents the majority of Texans -- at least, of those who care enough to vote -- on this and other issues, so there's no chance of him being impeached or recalled from office.

Texas was once a republic for a brief period in the 19th century. It's a big part of a South that resents the Union that won the Civil War, and having to live within its parameters. Add to that the fact that Obama lost in Texas in last year's election, and you can understand why this man who was also a Texas Supreme Court Justice is so emboldened to take such a stance.


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