«Charity Begins at Home»

It's ironic that a country such as Myanmar -- formerly known as Burma -- while journeying from a totalitarian state to a democracy, finds itself facing a significant increase in the drug trade and the corruption it breeds. There seems to be a consensus that Myanmar is the key player in the drug trade in that part of Southeast Asia. As in other parts of the world, such as South America, poor farmers resort to the "cash crop" of plants that produce high-priced drugs, as a kind of subsistence farming. Like elsewhere, the government has been unable to convince those farmers to plant other crops, which are legal but much-less profitable.

All this begs the questions: What is Aung San Suu Kyi, the champion of human rights, and her party doing about this? Shouldn't she be taking time off from her trips around the world receiving accolades and kudos for her work, to speak forcefully about this subject and work on solutions to this problem?


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