Poor Pompeii
Thank God, my wife and I visited Pompeii a few years ago. The chaotic Italian government is apparently making a mess of the preservation of the ancient city. That and the neighborhood Mafia, which routinely interferes with its "black hand" in contracts and labor matters pertaining to the site. Preserving Pompeii is difficult enough without any extraneous elements such as bureaucratic incompetence or corruption. So, when all three things are factored in, the task is made much more difficult.
It's really a shame that such a cultural wonder might, ultimately, disappear as a site to be enjoyed by all the world. What Vesuvius couldn't do, modern man will.
It's really a shame that such a cultural wonder might, ultimately, disappear as a site to be enjoyed by all the world. What Vesuvius couldn't do, modern man will.
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