The Other Korean Crisis

North Korea's posturing and threats have taken a backseat to South Korea's political scandals. I suppose that it's only fitting that the sexual harassment by the Korean public official took place in the U.S., so that the Americans have no way of glossing it over to favor its ally. Of course, crude as it is, the groping of a female by the main spokesman of the President of South Korea is the least of her government's problems. On closer inspection, her track record regarding appointments has been dismal, with several of her appointees having resigned for tax evasion and other problems. So, at a time when the U.S. makes much of its support of South Korea as a country in stark contrast to its neighbor to the north, it is embarrassing, to say the least, to have all these things come out.

Of course, there's no better place to get into trouble over sex than the U.S., a country that reelected its President after he admitted having oral sex in the Oval Office with an intern...


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