Undemocratic Spain

As I've said before, I'm a life-long supporter of Puerto Rican independence. So, naturally, I'm sympathetic to independence movements all across the world, be it in Scotland or in Catalonia. I'm also a fervent believer in the democratic process. Free and fair elections are always the preferred means of achieving political goals. Though a country invariably tries to hold itself together, there are times when a part of it -- especially if it had been annexed by force -- wants to gain or regain its independence. Rather than fighting for or against it,  the question should be put to a vote. It's the civilized and democratic way.

This is why it's unacceptable that Spain's national government won't grant Catalonia the opportunity to vote on its independence, especially, given the fact that more or less half of its people have expressed their desire to be independent. One cannot call oneself a democrat, if one is unwilling to play by the rules of the democratic game, win or lose.


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