Cristina's Crisis

They say that "all's fair in love and war"...and politics, which is war by another name. This explains why political adversaries will jump at the chance of taking advantage of illness, death or any other personal tragedy to score points against the victim of those unfortunate circumstances. It happened with Hugo Chávez, and now with Cristina Fernández. The opposition has begun to question the fact that the head injury that has produced the brain blood clot was kept from the public.

The fact is that this is standard operating procedure -- no pun intended -- in affairs of state. Even the U.S., which brags about being an "open society", has kept quiet about its Presidents' illnesses or has not divulged their true extent in the case of Wilson, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Reagan, to name a few.

So, why should the Argentine government be any different? Let's all -- friend and foe alike -- wish her well, instead of engaging in small-minded politics.


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