Oscar and Obama

Once again, Puerto Ricans from all walks of life, at home and abroad, have marched in support of Oscar López Rivera, a 70 year-old man who has spent 32 years behind bars for being an advocate of our independence form the U.S. Long after Mandela was freed, Oscar remains convicted of a similar "crime" called seditious conspiracy, used to persecute those who dare oppose a regime. His is one of the longest -- if not the longest -- incarcerations for a non-violent crime anywhere in the world.

For the last three years, the Obama administration has been petitioned formally and legally for his release. Evidently, Obama has been too busy playing the role of humanitarian and peacekeeper around the world, to do justice to this man. Meanwhile, Oscar sits in his cell waiting for a freedom that may never come, except in death.

May God have mercy on Obama's soul.


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