With Friends Like These...
The revelations about the Zunzuneo program in Cuba have been most unfortunate for Alan Gross, who claims to be just an honest businessman with no ties to the U.S. government. For some reason, USAID has decided to leave him high and dry in a Cuban jail. If someone still believed that Gross was an innocent bystander, this news about the Twitter-like program to destabilize the Cuban government has done him in.
One more thing. People in Gross' corner have claimed from the start that he is in very poor health, and thus should be set free. But, if you look at the 2012 photo in today's New York Times he doesn't appear to be in poor health at all. He's all smiles, even.
Odd, isn't it?
One more thing. People in Gross' corner have claimed from the start that he is in very poor health, and thus should be set free. But, if you look at the 2012 photo in today's New York Times he doesn't appear to be in poor health at all. He's all smiles, even.
Odd, isn't it?
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