Speaking Your Peace

The new Miss Universe, the former Miss Colombia, has been put on the spot by the FARC, the rebel guerrilla group who has been negotiating peace terms with the Colombian government.  Since she seems to have ideas about the peace process, the group has invited her to take part in it. Essentially, it has asked her to put her lovely body where her lovely mouth is.

This is what happens when you ask beauty-pageant contestants all those seemingly-profound questions about peace and other world affairs. Maybe this will teach them all a lesson, to stick to the beauty part of it and forget about pretending that the pageants are about something else.


  1. Well put. I was saying something similar the other day. My take on this matter includes that, in my view, asking profound questions even to smart people -to be answered on the sport and in 30 seconds- is not a good way to measure "intelligence" anyway. So, even if you want the Miss Whatever to combine beauty with brains, the infamous questions are not the way to go about it. Or, is it?


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