"I Am the State [Department]"
Hillary I, not yet the American ruler, has decided that she, and only she, was fit to have the last word on which e-mails were official in her personal account -- which, by the way, she was using in violation of State Department policy -- and then deleted the rest, or so she says, because there is no way to find out now, is there?
I always find it funny how the "democratic" leaders of the world, who go around lecturing other people on how to conduct the public business, resort to authoritarian practices, at the drop of a hat. The American government and its people are asked to just take Hillary's word that she did nothing wrong or improper in using her own e-mail account to conduct State Department business.
That act of blind faith is not the way to behave in a democracy under the rule of law.
I always find it funny how the "democratic" leaders of the world, who go around lecturing other people on how to conduct the public business, resort to authoritarian practices, at the drop of a hat. The American government and its people are asked to just take Hillary's word that she did nothing wrong or improper in using her own e-mail account to conduct State Department business.
That act of blind faith is not the way to behave in a democracy under the rule of law.
That lady is really something.