Creative discrimination

You have to hand it to the Americans. When it comes to bigotry and discrimination, nobody does it better. Not that it had ever gone away, but homophobia and racism are making a strong comeback in the U.S. And it's doing so in a very "creative" way. American state governments are passing laws that supossedly protect people from having to do business with people whose lifestyle they object to on religious grounds. But, we all know that is a subterfuge to get away with openly discriminating against homosexuals, people of color and other "undesirables", according to twisted interpretations of religious beliefs.

With those examples in mind, people in the business communities are coming up with these strategies  on their own, boldly challenging the rights of minorities to equality under law. Because of the high visibility of what goes on in the U.S., I would not be too surprised to see these kinds of tactics employed elsewhere.


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