Pentagon Pants Down
Will scandals never cease! The American military establishment has gotten another black eye; this time at the Pentagon itself, where, apparently, employees are so bored that they turn to gambling and "adult entertainment" financed by government credit cards. According to the Pentagon, this is not as bad as it looks, given that the amount in question is "just a million dollars." Also, these people were just too embarrased to have those charges appear on their personal cards, so they used their official ones to cover it up, but they intended to pay for it anyway.
Be that as it may, the problem is what this reveals about the culture of loose morals, lax supervision and employees running amok believing that they can get away with anything. This is the kind of mindset that also permeates the FBI, CIA and Secret Service, as the whole world now knows.
Be that as it may, the problem is what this reveals about the culture of loose morals, lax supervision and employees running amok believing that they can get away with anything. This is the kind of mindset that also permeates the FBI, CIA and Secret Service, as the whole world now knows.
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