Thanks for Speaking the Truth

Bolivia, Iran and Venezuela have recently reminded the U.N. that there are still territories in the world which are neither independent nor do they enjoy any meaningful form of autonomy from the colonial power, a case in point being Puerto Rico. Our situation is especially significant because we are a colony of the United States, the so-called "leader of the free world", and for the fact that the U.S. has chosen to ignore the U.N.'s repeated calls for our self-determination during the last 40 years.

It would be easy to dismiss what these three countries have pointed out; after all, they are largely "damned" on the international scene. But, it would be wrong. No matter who says something or with what purpose; the important thing is to look at the facts with an open mind and recognize the truth, however distasteful or inconvenient it may be.

From our part, thank you, Bolivia, Iran and Venezuela.


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