Guinea Pigs in Guatemala

In the late 1940s, American medical researchers wanted to test penicillin - then a new wonder drug - so they went south to Guatemala, full of disposable people, and infected 1,600 of them with venereal diseases. Those same researchers had done that and would continue to do so in Tuskegee, Alabama, full of disposable black people. Now, over 60 years later, this dastardly deed has been "discovered", and the U.S. government, headed by Obama and Clinton, have apologized to the Guatemalans.

Ironically, the Americans had just finished fighting against Nazi Germany and its medical horror stories by Dr. Josef Mengele and others. That and the death camps were very much in everybody's mind in the post-WWII era. It was in that context that the Americans experimented on the Guatemalans.


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