"...for services rendered..."

It's an old story that keeps repeating itself. The U.S. meddles in another country's affairs, backing right-wing dictators who kill their own people in the name of fighting communism, socialism or whatever else, and then either takes them in or provides them with a safe haven somewhere else when they have to leave their country. Of course, when this arrangement becomes public knowledge, the U.S. takes action against that individual.

This is what has happened with a former general of the Salvadoran army who, after torturing his enemies during the civil war, settled in Florida in 1989 for a nice, quiet retirement, until he was recognized by human rights activists and brought to justice. Having successfully defended himself from some of the charges against him, the American government is now, 22 years later, trying to deport him to his country, so as not to be further embarrassed at having protected him for all these years.


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