Ay, ay, ay!

The moral hole in which the Catholic Church is in keeps getting bigger and deeper. Now we know that the Church kept quiet for, at least, four years about the sexual shenanigans of the Mexican priest who founded the Legion of Christ order. This guy was an "equal opportunity" offender; not only did he molest minors, but he also found time to father three children with two women. The Church knew about all this as far back as 1997, but supposedly found it too "painful" to really do anything about it. So, instead of turning him in to the police, they retired him, covered it up and allowed him to die peacefully. It's only now that the Order has chosen to reveal it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Catholic Church is one of the most immoral institutions on the planet. It has gone along with one of the most despicable of human crimes, the sexual abuse of children, just to save face and maintain the facade of moral respectability.

May they all rot in hell!


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