"Vengeance is Mine", Saith The Lawless.

In the tradition of disaffected and violent groups that has plagued American history from the start, now comes the so-called Christian Militia, an anti -government, Bible-thumping bunch. They are part of a long line of fanatics who, from the very first days of the republic, resisted central authority with their weapons, wanting to go their own ways and rejecting the idea of the union of states. In their milder form, they advocated "states' rights"; in the extreme, they rebelled on various occasions.

This distrust of government power has been a constant in the history of the United States of America. From time to time, something ignites it and it explodes in bloody episodes. I suspect that the election of a Black man as President, although not cited as such, is really the reason for this latest outburst of that old feeling, as American as lynching.


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