"The [Mis]adventures of a Chinaman in China"

The Chinese may be new to the capitalist game, but they're showing that the play hardball, by convicting one of the richest men in the country and sentencing him to 14 years in prison. This is just the latest in a series of prosecutions against top businessmen who do what businessmen do everywhere: get involved in illegal dealings to make money the easy way. Greed may not be "good", but it sure is part and parcel of the human condition. So, the State needs to act swiftly and forcefully to tear up "the root of all evil."

If the West had been less tolerant of misdeeds in the business and financial worlds from the start, things wouldn't have gotten out of hand. But, letting capital and private enterprise have its way, for fear that its regulation would be deemed "communistic", emboldened Wall Street and its counterparts all around the world into the mess we're in right now.


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