My Spanish Soul

Spending a couple of weeks in Spain gives one perspective on how similar are the basic problems that we face all around the globe. Unemployment, domestic violence and juvenile delinquency are three subjects that readily come to mind from a perusal of the Spanish news media. There is a growing dissatisfaction with how the government is handling the "crisis" that seems to be prevalent everywhere. The man on the street is permanently at odds with the State, feeling that things could and should be better, not being quite sure about how this could be accomplished, but willing to vote for anyone who promises to do so.

Spain has its own set of problems, to be sure. There are unresolved issues with the Basques, the Catalonians and the Andalusians. But, as most of the rest of the world, it has the same major difficulties that all modern societies have, stemming from expectations that can't be met with dwindling resources. Still, they celebrate major and minor holidays by taking time off, and they close up shop for two-and-a half hours for the daily siesta, come rain or shine.

Now, that is progress.


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