The Moneylenders Took Over the Temple.
I try not to dwell on the Catholic Church's troubles, buy they're just too many and too serious to ignore. Now, it's the Vatican Bank that's being investigated for money laundering. Somehow, I find the phrase "Vatican Bank" incongruous with the man who lashed out at the moneylenders at the temple, but, then again, I left the Church a long time ago.
This is not the first time that the Vatican has gotten in trouble over its banking deals. Witness the Banco Ambrosiano affair, in which there was even a suicide or murder - depending on how you look at it - involving top Vatican officials. So, it seems that, just as in the sexual-abuse cases, the Church is a recidivist.
Maybe they're banking on the "70 times 7" times for the pardon of sins against your brother.
This is not the first time that the Vatican has gotten in trouble over its banking deals. Witness the Banco Ambrosiano affair, in which there was even a suicide or murder - depending on how you look at it - involving top Vatican officials. So, it seems that, just as in the sexual-abuse cases, the Church is a recidivist.
Maybe they're banking on the "70 times 7" times for the pardon of sins against your brother.
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