"¡Viva México!"

The whole world is painfully aware of Mexico's current situation; the lawlessness and savagery on its streets.  But, going so far as to question the bicentennial celebration of its independence on that account is, in my estimation, uncalled for.  Freedom, independence and liberty are values, in and of themselves, to be celebrated regardless of unfavorable conditions at any point in time.  Would those who question the celebration prefer that Mexico still be a colony of Spain?

It's just downright silly to criticize this or any other celebration of a country's independence based on how well the nation may be doing.  Mexico has enormous problems, especially in the public safety area, but this is no cause for reneging on its independence.  As a Puerto Rican who longs for our own independence from the United States, I salute Mexico's freedom from colonialism.


  1. I agree Alberto. But you also agree with me that we need to free ourselves from other forms of oppression. Mexico's current state of affairs is the product of substantial social inequalities, which have deep roots in its colonial past and which the Mexican elite and the social structure there have not been willing and able to overcome. Colonialism is just one form of oppression. There are countless more.


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