[Un]equal Justice Under Law

I suppose that, now, Amnesty International is "wrong",  in criticizing - albeit, not too harshly -  the U.S. for its handling of the Cuban Five.  The U.S. applauds AI every time it "condemns" any other country for human rights violations, but now the shoe is on the other foot, and, surely, the Americans won't admit any wrongdoing in this case.  The fact is that those Cuban agents went to the U.S. to infiltrate the anti-Castro exiles who plan and carry out terrorist attacks on Cuban soil or against the Cuban government in any way, shape or form.  Their mission was perfectly legitimate, but the Americans, seeking to score some points in its struggle against Cuba, chose to cast them as "spies" against the U.S.  Furthermore, the legal proceedings have been highly irregular, but the U.S. Supreme Court, in its usually cowardly fashion when it comes to protecting the rights of foreigners in the "national security" context, refused to hear the case.

AI, although rather timidly, has exposed this flagrant example of American hypocrisy.


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