Blunder of the Year

Not that it matters that much, but Time Magazine's choosing of Mark Zuckerberg as "Person of the Year" over Julian Assange is, questionable, to say the least.  I can understand the "importance" of Facebook, but, when you compare the impact that Wikileaks has had and will continue to have with the so-called social network, in my opinion, there is no contest.  This isn't a question of numbers, but of substantive value of what one thing represents compared to the other.  Most people post things on Facebook that have very little, if any, "redeeming value": personal stuff, gossip, anecdotes, etc.  Wikileaks has exposed diplomacy and international politics like never before, revealing how governments have lied to and cheated their own people and other countries.

Either Time has fallen under the spell of the Facebook world-wide idiocy or it balked at choosing a controversial figure that has come under a vicious attack of the U.S. government.


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