"Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité...Justice"

Ordinarily, "justice delayed is justice denied", but it's also true that "better late than never."  The French courts have convicted 13 of Pinochet's henchmen in absentia for the "disappearance" of four French citizens during the early days of that regime. Although it took some 35 years to accomplish - due in no small part to the unwillingness of  people and institutions in Chile and elsewhere to see that justice be done - the conviction sends a strong and much-needed message that such crimes will not be forgotten or go unpunished, no matter how long it takes.  It is also a rebuke of those who hold that, in the name of a so-called "reconciliation", we should let bygones be bygones.  This is a totally unacceptable position because it devalues human life and suffering tremendously.  No person of good conscience should subscribe to that notion.  Too many people died, disappeared or were tortured by Pinochet and his goons, for we to just sweep it under the rug of history.

The French are to be commended for insisting in holding these monsters accountable for their crimes, even if only symbolically.


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