State Stupidity
The fact that Utah has seen fit to have a "state firearm" as one of its symbols proves that its government is really out of touch with reality and extremely insensitive. Although it has tried to pass this as a recognition of the inventor of the pistol that's been chosen for this dubious honor, the mere idea of having a weapon as part of the state symbols is, in this day and age, an insult to all those who have suffered at the hands of people with guns. As long as there are people who refuse to accept that the gun culture is a big part of the problem of violence everywhere, there will continue to be killings and massacres all across the country.
It's really sad that Americans have a fatalistic view of this whole thing, and, therefore, seem to feel that these tragedies are inevitable and a necessary price to pay for their precious "right to bear arms."
It's really sad that Americans have a fatalistic view of this whole thing, and, therefore, seem to feel that these tragedies are inevitable and a necessary price to pay for their precious "right to bear arms."
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