The "Yellow Devils", Once Again
Those who would quarrel with some of my views on current events, especially those pertaining to the U.S. and its relations with the rest of the world, keep having a hard time, given the daily headlines. Case in point: the U.S. Government has hastily apologized - again - this time, for some disparaging remarks made by a top diplomat in Japan about Okinawans.
This is nothing new; Asian people have routinely been belittled by American public officials. I invite the reader to read the Congressional Record of early 20th century, on how Congressmen viewed Filipinos or Puerto Ricans, for that matter. Over a century has gone by, but instances such as this one show that, deep down inside, they still feel the same way about black, brown or yellow people.
This is nothing new; Asian people have routinely been belittled by American public officials. I invite the reader to read the Congressional Record of early 20th century, on how Congressmen viewed Filipinos or Puerto Ricans, for that matter. Over a century has gone by, but instances such as this one show that, deep down inside, they still feel the same way about black, brown or yellow people.
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