Private [In]security

The privatization of security in all its aspects, worldwide, has turned into big business. Also, into a big problem. Dumping what is, essentially, a public responsibility on the private sector is very convenient for governments because it allows them to put the blame on someone else, when anything goes wrong. And plenty is going wrong, especially in the area of detention of illegal immigrants, a vulnerable population if there ever was one. The fact of the matter is that private security companies have been put in charge of countless detention centers with, basically, no supervision and no accountability for their actions, which range from neglect to torture.

Paying someone else to do a job that is distasteful often ends up alienating oneself from it. Governments have become exasperated with illegal immigration and they would rather not deal with it hands-on. So, they hire these companies to do their "dirty work" for them. And look the other way, while the companies do their dirty deeds.


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