A Gross Misrepresentation of the Truth

It's rather odd that Alan Gross' family has kept quiet about his medical examination by U.S. doctors, after insisting so much on it. This man was supposedly at death's door in a Cuban dungeon, and although Cuban doctors had reported that his condition wasn't all that bad and he was well taken care of, this was dismissed as lies by the Cuban government. Given this situation, one would have thought that, had Gross' terrible condition been confirmed by "real doctors", his family and the American government would have rushed to say so. Instead, a month has gone by, and there's been no word on the matter.

Strange, isn't it?

Maybe Gross isn't so sick, after all. Maybe he has had the benefit of Cuban medicine, one of the best in the world. Maybe the family doesn't want to hurt its chances with the $60 million lawsuit against the U.S. Government, now that they have settled with the private contractor he worked for in Cuba.

The truth has a nasty way of being inconvenient, sometimes.


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