Dirty Tricks in Caracas

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that the U.S. is behind the street protests in Venezuela, in some way or fashion. This is no conspiracy-theory raving, but what experience dictates. Forty years ago, the world saw similar "spontaneous" protests against Allende in Chile. Decades later, declassified dispatches from the American ambassador there revealed U.S. involvement, including the fact that Washington had authorized an $8 million budget to destabilize the Allende government.

So, let's not be naive and think that all this going on in Venezuela is just a popular movement with no foreign intervention. Nothing just happens in countries governed by people who are not subservient to the Americans. The U.S. will fund the opposition and will resort to every trick in the book, including mayhem, murder and sabotage, to topple a government that it is unable to defeat at the polls.


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