The Worst and the Dumbest
Money buys most things, including political appointments. If only you got your money's worth, then it wouldn't be so bad. But, sometimes, those who are appointed for ambassadorships, for example, are clearly unqualified, by being painfully ignorant. In recent confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate, three of Obama's picks embarrassed themselves by failing to answer simple questions about the countries they were going to. In the case of Hungary, the woman was at a loss to explain important issues she would have to face. The ambassador-to-be to Norway thought that the governing political party was the opposition. They guy going to Argentina has never been there. Besides their dumbness, the link between them is the fact that they have been important donors or fund raisers for the Obama campaign.
Once again, Obama talks a good game, but he has come up short on the promises of change.
Once again, Obama talks a good game, but he has come up short on the promises of change.
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