Certifiably Unethical

In the world of U.S. medicine, being board-certified is like having the "Good Housekeeping seal of approval." People talk about it almost with reverence. Doctors would almost "kill" for it. Or, as we now know, cheat. Radiologists are, apparently, at the forefront of the cheating practices to approve the exams. A recent investigation has revealed that it's common for doctors to memorize the questions and then write them down and feed them into a central database from which future test takers can study, all of which is prohibited. A big part of the problem is that, on average, half of the test is made up of previously-used questions, which is a dubious practice in itself.

There are, to be sure, other medical areas in which this cheating goes on. So, once again, this shows that all that American superiority and standards of excellence are just a lot of hype and propaganda. Were this to happen in some other country, Americans would quickly point out the lack of standards or the unreliability of medical training. Now, we know that we shouldn't put much trust in those diplomas we see at the doctor's office.


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