Hear, Hear!

Say what you will about Fidel, the man has a way with words. I think a lot of people in the U.S. and around the world will agree with his assessment of the Republican presidential campaign, calling it a competition of "idiocy and ignorance." Too bad the Democrats won't dare use it as a campaign slogan against the Republicans. It's perfect.

The truth is that Fidel knows more about American politics than most Americans. He has outlived and outfoxed 11 U.S. Presidents and counting. If only the U.S. had listened to a lot of what he has said over these past 53 years, it would have saved itself and the rest of the world a lot of grief. But, Americans were so busy demonizing him, that they failed to recognize the truth in much of what he was saying.

I always thought that he was right on a lot of issues. I think he's damn right on this one.


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