The U.S. Pissing Contest

The U.S. Marine "pissing contest" in Afghanistan is the perfect metaphor for the American intervention there and elsewhere. Now, everyone is "outraged" at this behavior, but the truth is that this is what you get when you send a lot of "white trash" overseas with guns. These people were animals, to begin with; all that talk of post traumatic stress syndrome or some such psychological mumbo jumbo is just bullshit, to excuse this kind of behavior. The truth, plain and simple, is that, to them, the Afghans, Iraqis or any other ethnic group are subhuman, at best. Waging war against them is like a sporting event or a picnic, to be enjoyed, playing pranks and engaging in all sorts of sophomoric goings on.

The U.S. would like us to believe that these are just isolated incidents in an otherwise "honorable" war. But, as time passes, more of these episodes will come out, much as what has happened with the Catholic Church and its child-abuse scandals.


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