Every Man for Himself!
I've often wondered how is it that police forces around the world constantly claim that they've dismantled drug trafficking or terrorist organizations, but they keep on operating "business as usual." Either the operation wasn't that successful or there are more drug traffickers and terrorists than those accounted for. I don't think there has been a single case of these criminal organizations that has been put out of business by raids or prosecutions anywhere in the world.
The sad truth is that crime is a very profitable business, and therefore, it is extremely attractive to many people. It would take a large-scale social and spiritual transformation to keep people from engaging in a life of crime. The fact is that there is so much corruption and corporate crime at the highest levels of government and in the business community, that it is almost impossible to make the case for moral restraint among the "lower classes." When people who have so much are willing to break the law to have more, those who have nothing or very little can't be expected to be model citizens. It is totally unrealistic to ask them to be decent, law-abiding folks, when everybody else is looking out for himself, regardless of legal or moral constraints.
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