"...it's a hell of a [state]..."

Boy, it seems that New Yorkers are going to need a floodlight to look for an honest person to take over as state governor! First, it was Eliot Spitzer, who, for a while, came across as Elliot Ness incarnate, against the Wall Street Mob, and then disgraced himself by hooking up with high-priced hookers. Now, it's David Paterson, who not only is legally blind, but also seems to turn a blind eye at improprieties left and right. After having confessed to using drugs in the past and admitting all sorts of scandalous sexual behavior with and without his wife, apparently, he also pushed for special legal treatment for one of his aides in trouble with the law.

So, this has signaled the end to the "Be Nice to Blind Black Public Officials" season. Although he has announced that he won't seek reelection, he has vowed to finish his term, showing that he is really blind, in the worst way.


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