"Love Thy [Straight] Neighbor"
The Pope has done it again! In some remarks announcing his plans to visit England later this year, he has chastised the British for being nice to gays, instead of putting the screws on them, I suppose. It seems that the Fuehrer of Rome believes that homosexuals shouldn't enjoy the same rights and privileges as the rest of God's creatures. At least not in His Church or any other lesser one, in which, "in the name of the Father", clerics of all garbs should be allowed to do what they do best: act on their prejudices and claim to be doing God's will.
So Herr Ratzinger isn't so much opposed to equal opportunity laws for gays, as to their applying to His flock. This is one time in which the Church really likes the doctrine of separation of Church and State. It's the next best thing to the good old days of the Third Reich, when homosexuals and other "undesirables" could be gotten rid of without much fuss.
Ratzinger is as lucky as all his predecessors: There's no hell for them to go to. On the other hand, he "knows" there's no afterlife, no heaven and no hell (meaning that he finds it as unlikely and ridiculous as you and me). Thus, he acts as a non-repentant son of a bitch, which he is and has been for most of his life. Of course, he continues to wield power and enjoy the life of a king, in the "paradise" of Vatican City. As we say in Puerto Rico, "así es un mamey."