Good Riddance!

Not all news is bad.  Take, for instance, the end of Cristina Saralegui's TV program.  Any "wise Latino" should rejoice in that, finally, after 20 years of this embarrassing display of poor taste and sensationalism, we won't have to put up with it.  This woman, who has been called the "Latin Oprah" - I suppose, something made up by her publicist - was just a rip-off of those American daytime talk shows that specialize in the sleazy side of life.  Willing to do anything for a quick buck, she took on the role of exposing the seamier side of Latino life in the U.S., while pretending to "help" her fellow Latinos.  Instead, by focusing on these issues, and talking down to the poor souls that went to her program, she helped perpetuate the stereotype of the dumb and bad Latin American community, thus reinforcing the prejudices of the Anglo population.

May we never hear from her again.


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