It Takes Your Breath Away.
Here we go again. A new study shows conclusively that teenagers - and, probably, adults too - who take acetaminophen, as in Tylenol, for instance, tend to have asthma significantly more that those who don't. Although why this is so remains unclear at this point, the relation between the two appears to be solid.
As I've said time and time again, the more drugs and chemical substances you put into your body, the worse it's going to be for you, down the road and, sometimes, not so far into the future. We all feel certain aches, discomfort or pain, from time to time, but, unless it's really unbearable, often, it's best to tolerate it and wait for it to pass, than to run to the medicine cabinet for instant relief.
You'll breathe easier and longer.
As I've said time and time again, the more drugs and chemical substances you put into your body, the worse it's going to be for you, down the road and, sometimes, not so far into the future. We all feel certain aches, discomfort or pain, from time to time, but, unless it's really unbearable, often, it's best to tolerate it and wait for it to pass, than to run to the medicine cabinet for instant relief.
You'll breathe easier and longer.
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