Wasted Lives, Wasted Money

Now that the U.S. is sort of pulling out of Iraq and turning over their country to the Iraqi people, the landscape is full of failed and incomplete rebuilding projects paid for by the American taxpayers.  The estimate is that $5 billion worth of projects are a complete or partial waste of money because what was built is not fit to be used.  Of course, we can imagine what happened: private contractors went over there and did botched construction work, not caring too much about the results, knowing that no one was going to hold them accountable.

Aside from the oil that the Americans got their hands on, this was the other big incentive in attacking Iraq under false pretenses: you destroy a country, and then you rebuild it with private contractors that get paid with public funds, and you either get a cut of that or you end up being in their board of directors when you get out of public service.  It's so obvious and has been done so many times, that you wonder why the American people are unable to see through all that patriotic bullshit by their government.


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