Bad Actor, Worse President

We all knew that the U.S. per capita I.Q. is running low, but the news that, for the sixth straight year, a Gallup poll shows that the majority of the American people regard Ronald Reagan as their greatest President speaks volumes about the country. The man was an actor, a bad actor, at that, who delivered one-liners written by someone else, but was lost without his cue cards and teleprompter. One of his sons has recently admitted that, for some time, Reagan wasn't all there; that his Alzheimer had begun earlier than has been said. I think his son has been much too kind. There was not much there to begin with. Any somewhat keen observer would've noticed that the man had no real grasp of things of any substance. Dubbing him "The Great Communicator" was just Hollywood-style hype.

In the final analysis, he was a third-rate actor in B-movies and a third-rate President.


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