Meanwhile, Back at the Front...

While Egypt took center stage during the last three weeks, the sideshows of death and general instability in Afghanistan and Iraq kept on going. The jubilation over Egypt's new possibility for democracy to take root is certainly understandable, but the ongoing failure in both those countries is a sobering reminder of how wrong were the military interventions and are the efforts at nation-building. The insurgency - as the U.S. likes to call it - is alive and well, and continues to kill and maim on a daily basis. Neither country has really been secured by the so-called "coalition." Life is still cheap, and daily life is constantly interrupted by bombs and explosions from the bad guys and the supposedly "good guys", who barely apologize when they kill innocent civilians, deeming it "collateral damage."

So, sure, let's toast the Egyptian revolution, but let's also remind ourselves of the egregious mistakes in that part of the world that remain uncorrected.


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