The Fugitive

Needless to say, nothing's going to come of it, but, the mere fact that several human rights organizations are calling for the indictment of George Bush for torture and other crimes against humanity is significant. I believe it's important to be on record with regard to such things. Bush, which is, clearly, the dumbest President of the United States in our lifetime, is also quite cynical, and has admitted in his memoirs to having known and authorized waterboarding and other "enhanced-interrogation techniques." So, it's clear that the 147 countries, including the U.S., that have signed the international convention that prohibits torture have the legal obligation to prosecute Mr. Bush, if they can get a hold of him. At the same time, France, Germany and Spain have all opened inquests on this matter, under the universal jurisdiction principle.

Wouldn't it be supremely ironic if Bush turns out to be more wanted internationally than Osama bin Laden?


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