The Chickens that Never Came Home to Roost

According to the Disney version of American history and current events, the U.S. practices what it preaches: competition, decency and fair play in all things, including business. It's always the other countries that cheat and use underhanded tactics to get ahead. Well, the truth is very different from that. Take the case of Tyson, the poultry giant that, since 2004, was involved in a bribery scheme in Mexico to get a couple of veterinarians to certify that its product met the health criteria. When it was first found out, the company, far from making amends, went on with the bribes in a different way. Finally, they had to stop and were forced to pay a fine. But, none of the executives involved in this corporate crime were ever indicted. They were allowed to resign, retire or simply moved to another position within the company.

Yep, the American way.


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